Huge thank you to Tom for pointing out what I needed to do- and amazingly the WWOOF Google Calendar has information in it. Please let me know if it doesn't appear to you as I think its sorted now.
I'm now feeling an old fuddy duddy as its perfectly obvious what I needed to change; I was just looking for completely the wrong search terms- which I'm usually very good at coming up with. Grrr.
We're enjoying a quieter week in the same place, and met a lovely neighbour who is doing our dream (so many people share our dream!) and having a planning nightmare. Our hosts are also having a planning nightmare- Ashford area planning sound to be awful to work with. We're having a day off tomorrow, so hope to visit our last hosts ( and pick up the voltmeter we forgot), visit Rye, hopefully a beach, and a vineyard. I'm hoping we set off early, as the girls also want to play with the neighbours when they finish school!
Book Bouquet
2 weeks ago
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