no cook fudge and home made marshmallow- delicious! |
Playing in his sisters room |
ah, headphones. We wonder if they work as ear defenders as they don't work as headphones. But what a cutey! |
Don't do this at home! Really, really dangerous use of a bumbo. We eat tea around him |
Its hard work entertaining baby |
He wasn't overly impressed but at least wasn't crying |
Cuddles |
Big sister really got him to sleep in the sling! |
making Christmas cards |
his intelligent look |
I really, really like this photo. |
It isn't a sock. It started out heading that way, but it isn't. Its a birthday present though!
So, no pictures of trips to Manchester and Leeds by public transport (the journey was much more important than the destination for little people- we have to work on enjoying that!) and exploring Manchester museum and Leeds Art Gallery, and the Christmas market. We were impressed by a Craft Fair at Victoria Hall in Saltaire last month- many, many good quality stalls, absolutely heaving with customers- we couldn't help buy a few things.Somehow we've missed photographing our Christmas Tree- its old news now its been up nearly a month!
We occasionally do 'recognisable learning' - stuff 'other people' might consider learning, but more autonomous educators might consider a bit formal. Though, if its the kids choice, not coersive perhaps its not too 'out there'. We have workbooks they sometimes like, but Flower enjoys those more than Princess atm. We've recently discovered
www.khanacademy.org. Princess is really enjoying this.
We've been keeping Royal Mail in business with internet shopping- our trips into the metropolises have put me off city shopping forever I think. I'm glad it wasn't the weekend- a weekday was bad enough.
Rainbow continues to grow- he's over 18 lbs now - he's 4 and a half months. Princess didn't weigh this much until she was over 8 months. Thats the difference between one child just under 50th centile, and one well over! He's getting very nosy, his sisters activities distract him already, he is starting to reach for things, including something in his nappy, sigh.
What else are we up to? um err....
We're slowly packing up excess belongings, working up to getting the house up for sale yet again- hopefully by spring.. It seems to take so long to just get a little done amongst the food prep, eating, washing, cleaning, playing of everyday life. We've fit in a few home ed meets,trips to parks, an activity club Princess is enjoying (from music to slacklining and loads in between) and a shared meal with friends, lots of painting, dressing up and face paint as well.
My parents are still not part of our lives- we didn't envisage the disagreement back in January would become long term. However, if we ever do manage to resolve things then our relationship should be stronger for it. I guess its something we've been turning a blind eye to for many years, and now we've stopped.
Everything else feels like things we're not doing- not getting carving time (my poor bowl is dry and unfinished), not getting out and about quite as much as we'd like, but keeping busy all the same.
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