We're well and truly working on getting ready for the Big Trip.
Its hard to forget, each time I walk from room to room in this house I hear the clock ticking- 6 weeks to being 'homeless', 10 weeks and we're on our way...
Today feels like we've achieved a lot. No more boxes filled unfortunately- need to find another source or even, gulp, have to buy some. However I finally signed the paperwork for getting the house marketed 'to let' instead of 'for sale'. We did have another viewing last week but the third bedroom was too small for them (dimensions are on the website, but go figure). It is annoying that the house next door is sold, about to exchange contracts- and we're having to give up.
We have a few more van trips of stuff to sort out at that house ( need boxes!) and we've capitulated and asked a local handyman to do a couple of jobs we'd be annoyed with ourselves for taking too long over and not doing well enough, even if we had the time. So that house is just about sorted. Everyone tells us the rental market is going really well, and three bedroom houses are in demand, its a great rental location....so fingers crossed.
This house is still rather full, only 6 weeks to empty it, but I'm hoping now we've sorted and paid for storage for 6 months that'll keep moving.
I want to get things moved because we still have to arrange how we're going to store all our camping equipment and personal stuff in the back of the van. We've taken out some racks, and will need to put something else in instead ( currently looking at theIkea trofast storage we have in the living room), but can't fit anything until we've moved bulky things like bed divans.
I'd also really like to build something along the lines of this but I certainly won't have time, and despite DH's best intensions, seriously doubt he'll get chance either.
On a completely different note, I had chance, with a weekend away with DH's family (and one daughter- not the one from last week- puking and slightly ill), to keep crocheting. I was able to make loads of the flowers without constantly having to refer to the pattern- as I have less memory than a goldfish this is a major achievement! DH also let me in the Fent Shop in Skipton on the way to our weekend away, I'm so jealous that M-I-L has this as her local shop! I was only allowed a very quick look, Big One wanted a crochet hook to learn with, so I picked up some yarn as well...my first yarn purchase, but I don't think it'll be my last.
Our weekend away was in Arncliffe, at a beautiful house we keep going back to. We like how well equipped it is, always warm (but we light the open fire anyway) and how there's enough space for the 10 or so of us to enjoy each others company but not be on top of each other, especially when its not been quite the weather for playing out. Of course, its not far for us to travel, but with various folk travelling after work and school, we don't want to go far. With our girls any overnight trip is major upheaval, so being quite local is fabulous for us as well!
Book Bouquet
3 weeks ago
Trying to think of a source of boxes. Cardboard ones, or plastic?
ReplyDeleteBoth really! Work had a delivery so I snaffled as many boxes as I could carry, so the immediate need is solved, but I think we still need more :)
ReplyDeleteWe've been buying some plastic from Poudstretcher (or whatever they call themselves now)but they're not quite right somehow, and I'm not sure what would be right- bit of a problem figuring out what we need in plastic!In cardboard anything goes.
I'll keep my eyes and ears open :)
ReplyDeleteMight have a few flattened cardboard ones around here, but not really in useful quantities. Will try to remember to bring them on Weds though.
Thank you! A's really looking forward to playing in your field tomorrow :)