Monday 4 February 2013

Makings and Doings

hmmph. I've finally got the photos and I am Not Happy. This post is going to be much more a list and rather less loads of photos.
We've been busy having fun though, just not recording it!
The girls and I made some chocolate. Not just melting chocolate, but melting cocoa butter, adding cocoa, maple syrup or (whispers) 'sugar'. A friend gave us the inner bits from an advent calendar which has been a good size for a mould, but that sadly has broken beyond use so it might be worth investing in some.
melting cocoa butter....but not keen on the photo!

We've had a month off refined sugar, which has been going well enough that we're continuing. We have days when we will have it, like a birthday tea party, but generally sugar is off the menu. This helps make eating out unattractive- actually facing cakes and processed food is a bit too challenging for us without careful planning. Our favourite cafe is out of bounds as we can't resist Nancy's amazing baking. However, it should help with other costs- I bought a second hand magimix last week, and Rainbows next carseat means we spent up last week!
The magimix has already been put to good use- whizzing up mushroom pate (I never knew it could taste sooo good!), meringues (for the birthday tea) and, now we have the ingredients, coleslaw in hopefully a fraction of the time will be back on the menu.
The carseat is something I'm reserving judgment on just yet. Its a bit of an adjustment to get used to the idea that an impact pad is safer than a 5-point harness, so a 9 kg baby is safer with an ordinary seatbelt fastener rather than a special harness. I've contacted the manufacturer (Kiddy) for further information, as we've been sold this without an instruction book and it looks a little big for Rainbow, but we need something as his head is sticking out the end of the infant carseat.

I've been having fun with my sewing class. I don't need to say much, as we do have photos of Flower's trousers:

I had to beg to have them back to take to sewing class when finished, so I'm happy. Two charity shop shirts and a few hours time put to good use. I feel I need more practice doing trouser flies, and I really should practice with a zip, but that is what sewing class is for. Dungarees for Princess are work in progress. Hmm, pencil cases might be good practice. I feel another visit to Fabworks coming on!

we had some snow, I love how it built up on the washing line

He can sit up in his grown up high chair for a few minutes, if not too tired.

Weaving, by me and Princess. A first attempt with the round frame turned into a coaster for Susan The Midwife

He loves supported bouncing

Pastel artwork- not mine

Lots of paper cutting, tidying , Princess is particularly enjoying vacuuming at the moment. We also have something new in the form of Reading Eggs. I've just about made up my mind what I think of it, so sponsored blogpost with code to extend the free trial  to follow. If you are just embarking and would like the code please drop me a line and I'll find it for you :)

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