Sunday 1 January 2012

Why I've gone quiet- really

Apologies for the quick snap- its a bit dark at this time of the day, and the scan pic is on very shiny paper.
Well, the short answer is early pregnancy and living in a caravan doesn’t go so well together.

Baby is due in July, all being well. We’ve let immediate family know, so it feels right to share it here now.

This time, just to be different, my early pregnancy symptoms have included puking most evenings, and being extremely tired. With the girls I’d been extremely tired, extremely nauseous, but not actually puking. I am sure it’s just the one.

Living in the caravan when feeling so rough has been quite a challenge. Thankfully DH has been wonderful, he’s had to do absolutely everything and has done it all extremely well. The last couple of days I’ve been feeling a bit better- could be due to a few bank holidays meaning I’ve had a bit more rest from work. Being able to rest in the afternoon has certainly helped. Or even maybe the sickness is passing- I hope so!

With me struggling so much with the pregnancy side of it all, that’s the main reason  I'm struggling in the caravan and we’ve given our tenants notice.

Christmas and the couple of weeks before have felt really busy for us- nothing compared to usual ( what with no shopping, baking, cooking or xmas cards happening) but its been pretty tiring. Both girls have been excited about being in a nativity. Little One in the one from her nursery, and Big One went to Sunday school twice with grandma, and that worked out she could be in the church nativity at the Christingle service.

Church normally only features for us, at my insistence, going to the minster Christingle service annually with Dh coming along begrudglingly once J was big enough to come. Grandma had just asked to take Big One to the service once after bellringing, we didn’t realise she was going to Sunday School. However, as the following week was getting parts for the nativity at the Church Christingle service, we made the best of it and Big One was in the nativity this year. Note to self- children in the nativity don’t get Christingles, which is quite upsetting for a girls who was too excited/nervous to have a snack before hand. We had a proper melt-down!

Christmas has been busy catching up with our families, and New Year has been more quiet,which has worked well for me and my symptoms. I've even planned, shopped and cooked a meal- I can't remember when that was last a pleasure to do (and I normally love cooking!).  DH's sister and grown up child have come over from Oz, so its been good to see them too.
 Little One has been a bit poorly the last few days, and has a mystery rash which appeared last night- why do our children mostly only get ill enough for me to consider contacting doctors at bank holidays?!. I’m doing my usual panicking about chicken pox, but we don’t know what it is.My midwife has done a great job of reassuring me about implications for me and 'baby' (someone who does answer her phone even on New Years Eve, bless her). If Little One's rash is still there Tuesday we’ll see what a GP thinks.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Hope things settle down soon for you all.
    With kindest regards,
