Sunday 3 April 2011

Enough words, a few pictures

Big One with New Tires for the van ( and man with workshop in his van- even bigger than ours!)
Practicing with the firepit the Tipi family could spare us- thank you!

Our lovely cake Mari made us- complete with vegan tree log so our vegan friends could have some. Apparently I'm the one with painted toe nails....

Otherwise I'm the one the hairy legs. No comment.
Tent kitchen area in use- we're still figuring out the best use of space, but it worked pretty well.

Splitting blanks on the course- we all had fun!

Some inspiration for doing the Spoon Carvers improvers course- cuksas and Native Indian feast ladles (and turned quaiches) all Robins.

What we ate lunch with- wonderful inspiration!

A nights strange rest in a hotel ( Big One is struggling with the heat), tomorrow is our last day of being on holiday with a look around Bletchley Park, and probably a Tree Centre near the hotel, and off to our first hosts near Swindon.


  1. Fab - I love those spoons!

  2. Those are lovely spoons! Glad you're having fun. Hope Big One picks up soon xx

  3. Tent is looking good, hope the weather is kind thi week. The carving looks beautiful :) xxx

  4. Fab pics, love the cake, LOVE the spoons.
